HM Seminar – WinterEV

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The WINTEREVs are series of themed meetings organised by the European Hard Materials Group (EuroHM) of the European Powder Metallurgy Association. The aim is to bring together experts in a particular theme for in-depth discussion of technical issues at a precompetitive level. WINTEREV objectives target technical issues through workshops focusing on an area of importance to both research and industrial communities. Each meeting aims to review research objectives in the light of industry requirements. Where appropriate, standards activities are included in the review. The topics for debate are sought through questionnaires and other consultation exercises.

The proposed WINTEREV 24 meeting will continue our recent agreement to examine in more depth than in earlier WINTEREV/SUMMEREV outings exploring specific characterisation methods and their disadvantages and capabilities. Each contribution is targeted from an expert in the field followed by a practical or theoretical worked example of how the technique or modelling approach will contribute to advancing our knowledge of the properties of hard materials. The following table gives a list of some relevant themes chosen from recent EuroHM strategy assessments. The extensive number of items provides scope for using this approach in a suite of consecutive WINTEREV/SUMMEREVs.

The recent SIMUCRACK and MICROMECH club projects of EPMA provide good examples where complementary research groups are collaborating successfully using state of the art characterisation themes that illustrate the concept we would like to promote. The overarching aim is to keep the hard material research community up to date with measurement and modelling approaches across the materials environment, both physical and mechanical.


Non-Members: 400 € + VAT
Members : 275 € + VAT
Universities/Speakers/chairs: 125 € + VAT


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