

Excellence and innovation in Powder Metallurgy

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EPMA Powder Metallurgy Seminars

The EPMA has held a range of seminars and short courses covering different aspects of PM technology including Sintering, Hardmetals, Powder Injection Moulding, Additive Manufacturing, Hot Isostatic Pressing, PM Structural Parts and Functional Materials.

The courses are particularly beneficial to technical and managerial personnel looking for a more comprehensive understanding of the PM process.

The unique combination of high level industrial specialists and academics provide unrivalled insights into the practical capabilities and applications of the powder Metallurgy (PM) process. Since 1996 thousands of delegates from both industry and academia from all over Europe have attended EPMA PM seminars and had the opportunity to meet and learn from some of PM’s leading experts.


EPMA builds event programmes with the aid of highly relevant academic and industrial experts, and of the Steering Committees of its Sectoral Groups

  • Online access available – for most events
  • High level speakers – selected by qualified organising committees
  • Materials available to attendees after the event presentations, lists of participants, etc


The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) was formed in Brussels in 1989 with three key missions: 

  • To Promote and Develop PM Technology in Europe 
  • To Represent the European PM Industry within Europe and Internationally 
  • To Develop the Future of PM 

Seminars fulfil the mission of promoting powder metallurgy and develop its future by bringing together industry and academia, senior and junior engineers, and foster technology-based exchange of information. This eventually leads to better performing and more sustainable processes and products.

EPMA works in collaboration with its members and partners with trust, common respect and dedication to win together and to serve the powder metallurgy industry in all ways. 

In this respect, the EPMA Seminars, organised with the collaboration of top European research institutions as well as R&D departments from industrial companies, bring in opportunities to: 

  • be informed about technological improvements 
  • create a stable communication between the industry and the academia 
  • enhance networking opportunities in the PM community that includes raw material and equipment suppliers, part producers, service providers, consultants, universities and R&D centres, and others. 

EPMA is committed to represent the whole European Powder Metallurgy industry and is open to organize Seminars on any topic that can be relevant for the European PM community. 

EPMA respects the society and the environment. Powder Metallurgy is a green technology and EPMA helps its members in improving their environmental footprint. Within all its activities, EPMA welcomes social equity and diversity. 





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